About The Burlington Park

Burlington Park, 425 East Fifth Street, is a thirty-acre, modern park with numerous facilities.  It includes playground equipment, the Lilly Building, the Community Building, three lighted ball diamonds with bleachers as well as basketball and tennis courts, paved walking trail, and a wooded nature area.

Two picnic shelters with tables, park benches, and a large playground are also available along with restrooms.  Community buildings are also available for public meetings and for rent for private parties.

The Burlington Community Club has been instrumental in the evolution of this park since 1974 when the town and township bought the first tract of land.  The Park is jointly owned by the town and township and is governed by a Park Board of representatives from each entity.  The Burlington Kiwanis helped with the provision of picnic tables and playground equipment.

The Lilly Building features:
  • Renovated kitchenette
  • Handicap Accessible Bathroom
  • Heat (No A/C)
  • 475 Maximum Person Capacity
The Community Building features:
  • Kitchenette
  • Stage Area
  • Handicap Parking and Amenities
  • Tables/Chairs Provided
  • Heating/Air Conditioned
  • 300 Maximum Seating Capacity

Rental Price:  $200.00 per day with a damage deposit of $100.

The Lilly Building is used for indoor booth space during the Burlington Fall Festival and is available to rent for large gatherings such as auction sales.  It also contains kitchen facilities.

The park is home to the Fall Festival sponsored by the Burlington Community Club.  Part of the extensive park grounds includes outdoor electrical hook-ups to accommodate booths at the Festival and other outdoor events.
Park Board
  • Park Superintendent:  Mike Mann
  • Township Board Members:  John Conn, Amy Wilimitis-Click, James Friedline, Ross Salts
  • Town Board Members:  Charles Barnard, Doug Powlen, Shawn Keihn
    • Officers:  President:  John Conn
    •                Vice President: Charles Barnard
    •                Secretary:  Ross Salts 
The Park Board meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Building at the park.
Rental Info for Community Building & Lilly Building
  • Contact Dick Richardson at (574) 702-1150 for reservation and rental information.
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